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Jamie Dimon Says 8% Fed Funds

John Lekas – CEO & Senior Portfolio Manager April 10th, 2024 We believe there's a lack of recognition regarding the extent of inflation, both in the United States and internationally. The economic ramifications of distributing $7 trillion during the pandemic are big, with a multiplier effect of approximately 7x, totaling around $49 trillion. These effects are still unfolding. If JP…

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2024 Market Outlook

John Lekas - CEO and Senior Portfolio Manager February 20th, 2024 Inflation is expected to persist, as previously discussed in our newsletters. Our stance remains unchanged: the Federal Reserve is unlikely to lower interest rates until the unemployment rate (U-3) increases. The wildcard factor is the upcoming election year, and while there may be speculation that Powell could make concessions…

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Extending Duration?

John Lekas CEO & Senior Portfolio Manager December 20th, 2023 By extending the duration in our portfolio 100% at this juncture using 10-year treasuries (based on a target rate of 3% in 2024), we would generate approximately 8% in capital gains. Additionally, we would receive a 3.75% coupon, resulting in a total return of 11.75%. Our fund will return around…

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Contractors Are Calling

John Lekas – CEO & Senior Portfolio Manager November 2nd, 2023 I've had a rather eventful week, receiving four calls from contractors offering a range of services. The list included remodeling the lower bathroom shower, treating my shake roof, gardeners proposing budget-friendly rates, and even someone offering to resurface my driveway. It's worth noting that we already undertook a remodeling…

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Don’t Fight the Fed

John Lekas CEO September 22nd, 2023 "Don't fight the Fed.” These individuals are academics, not rational business people. The good news is they will inform you of their intentions; there's no need to second-guess them. They have stated that they are data-dependent, so let's examine the data! It clearly indicates that they will continue to raise rates. The two inflation…

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Jamie Dimon Says 8% Fed Funds

John Lekas – CEO & Senior Portfolio Manager April 10th, 2024 We believe there's a lack of recognition regarding the extent of inflation, both in the United States and internationally.…

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Extending Duration?

John Lekas CEO & Senior Portfolio Manager December 20th, 2023 By extending the duration in our portfolio 100% at this juncture using 10-year treasuries (based on a target rate of…

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Don’t Fight the Fed

John Lekas CEO September 22nd, 2023 "Don't fight the Fed.” These individuals are academics, not rational business people. The good news is they will inform you of their intentions; there's…

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How Bond Funds Have Fared During the Fed’s Rate Hikes

When it came to helping investors navigate recent debt-market turmoil induced by Federal Reserve rate increases, bond-picking fund managers largely came up short. Of almost 2,000 actively managed bond funds…

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Board of Directors / Andrew Rogers

Leader Capital recently held a vote by proxy to establish a stand alone trust. Meet our new Trustees, Andrew Rogers, Raymond Davis and Marty Kehoe, who will serve on our…

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wall street
Fix News

The Great Fund Face-Off

Leader Capital High-Quality Income Fund was featured in Barron's Mutual Fund Quarty article. Barron's author Lewis…

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Portland businessman works to stop the sale of dog meat

John Lekas has retained former Multnomah County Commissioner Loretta Smith to lobby Congress on the…

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The Ugliness Of The Lychee And Dog Meat Festival

Help stop the Lychee Massacre. Save tortured dogs. The Lychee and Dog Meat Festival is…

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